Healthy Muscle Function
take our body for granted and wonder what happened when “all of the sudden” we tighten up, our back goes out or we start getting regular headaches. Of course, there can be many factors, but today, I want to talk about some major characteristics of healthy muscles. We’ll look at three components; strength, flexibility & function.
Maintenance Care
Remember this teaser from the last blog? “What is Point C? Point C is when you can go a month without pain. When you tell me that you have never been this pain free. When you are able to do activities you haven’t been able to do in years. Point C is why I do what I do. And when you get there, I am almost as elated as you are. It’s an amazing place to be. So keep going.“
Introduction to Trigger Point Therapy
Do you live in chronic pain? How long has it been? Some people say they’ve been living that way for months, some say a couple years, some say MANY years. And those that say years generally say that they have accepted the fact that this is the way they’ll feel forever. Forever! That’s a long time. And they say this because they have tried everything. Everything from pills, doctors, maybe surgery, physical therapy, massage. So they give up hope.
Pre-Natal Care: Part 2
I’m back for part 2 of my pre-natal care blog. I got so wrapped up in supplements, that the first part was a little longer then anticipated. But that’s all right, I’m now 4 days overdue, so I have been given ample time to add to the first part, haha. Also, I take that to mean that I am passionate about this subject. And I am, I love talking about pregnancy and think that you DON’T have to suffer through it! And that’s what these posts are intended to deliver. Take care of yourself during pregnancy, and you can feel great! I’m not talking about sickness here, I am talking about aches and pains, soreness, headaches or low back pain. Almost every mom I’ve met has had some sort of pre-natal tension or pain at some point in their pregnancy. So, what can you do? Continue on to find out! Here are my 3 Must Have Therapies:
Self-Love Menu
Have you ever heard of a Self-Love Menu? I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago, but I love it! Basically, it's a menu of all of -or a few of- the things that you do to love yourself. I can't remember exactly where I saw it, but they recommended starting with a list of 10 things. In my head, I was like "Oh! That'll be easy!" Yeah, not so much. It was actually harder then I anticipated.
Customized Care
If you've ever checked out my website, you know that I have a lot of different services to choose from. For some of you, that might be over stimulating and you may wonder "How do I know which one to pick?!"
One Year
Facebook reminded me this morning that I announced the opening of Encompass Therapeutic Massage one year ago!! A lot has happened since I opened up shop. I moved to the UP, opened up a location here, and also travel back to Minnesota to serve my amazing client's out there once a month.
Flexibility is an important factor when talking about the health of your muscles. If you have a healthy range of motion in your joints and your muscles are flexible, risk of injury decreases from not only exercise, but also during daily activities. Therefore, it is important for everyone to have flexible muscles, not only athletes.