Customized Care

If you've ever checked out my website, you know that I have a lot of different services to choose from. For some of you, that might be over stimulating and you may wonder "How do I know which one to pick?!" 

Here's the thing. You don't have to know. I have those there so that if you want a specific service, you know I offer it, but you don't have to know specifically what you want.

Really, my care is Customized Massage. It may sound fancy, but it's just my way of saying that we can mix any services to make the perfect combination for you. All of my services cost the same ($60/hour), so that isn't an issue either! If you want part of the time working on that sore shoulder you've been dealing with, but then the rest relaxing, great! If you want to spend the whole time working on what's causing your headaches, perfect. If you just need to relax after a busy week and that means spending some time doing reflexology, sounds good! 

Another way I customize care is by listening at the beginning of each appointment to what you are experiencing that day. I love this quote: 



My goal is to listen to understand. I want to understand what you are going through and feeling today so that I can be the most effective. Each time you come to me, your days will be different, and each massage will probably be different, even if just slightly. 

Even if you don't know what you want precisely, I can listen to your complaints and how you're feeling and come up with a treatment plan. Before each session I will give an overview of what I intend to accomplish in the time we have. If you want something added or taken out, let me know.  Always remember, this is your massage!

If you are wanting to nail down exactly what it is you need, either call me, or schedule an appointment.

You check out my services, here, as well.

Call me at 612.910.5885 to schedule your appointment now! 

Best of Health,



Let's Combat Headaches Together


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