Part 2: Stepping Up Our Product Game
As we got more comfortable selling and creating products, the process has turned into a well oiled machine.
In 2022, as I mentioned in our Part 1 of this series, we really got used to shipping, made sure our labels were great and tweaked every recipe to products we are 100% confident in.
Stuck Emotions + Pain
This blog post could be 6 posts long, but I’m going to try and summarize the best I can.
In the beginning of my career, I swore I would never get into energy work. I didn’t understand it and the people around me feared it a lot. But, life is a journey, and it changes you. Over the past 10 years as a massage therapist, I have changed, grown and developed a lot. One thing I can’t ignore anymore is my intuitive gifts, helping people feel better by allowing emotions and energy to release and sharing my experiences of what I’m feeling with them.
Hey Mama, (A Letter from one mama to another)
Hey Mama.
Yes, I’m talking to you. I see you. I hear you.
You were at the gathering I was at last night. You were the one I dropped in on quick to drop something off. You’re my friend, acquaintance. Maybe I don’t know you, but you’re there, you’re always there, following along. This one is for you.
My Journey with Energy Work
In this post, I hope to clear up fear around what energy work is, and explain it from my point of view. I would also love to describe how it shows up in my practice, how I’ve used it and what it can do for you! Stick with me, I believe this is important :)
Personal Updates + Summer Fun Tips
My, oh my, what a summer it has been. We’ve already hit mid-July, it’s hard to believe! This summer has been particularly fun + busy for me, which has been somewhat stressful and I’m so thankful for all of the experiences.
Spring Cleaning- The Non-Toxic Route
Spring is here… right? Here in the UP, it takes a bit for the snow to melt and warmer weather to come, but the sun itself has been getting me into the spring cleaning mode! I am all about being non-toxic, but keeping it simple. One great cleaner, a good rag and a scrub brush is all I usually use.
Products: Part 1, Our Story
I want to take a moment to go back in time a little bit- to when I felt the nudge to start offering products at Encompass. In the beginning, it was multifaceted. I wanted to offer a self care option for my clients that they could take home and use right away. Essential oils are great, but they require education on how and when to use them. A product that is infused with oils and ready to use for a specific purpose is a really easy way to get started without the overwhelm.
Healthy Muscle Function
take our body for granted and wonder what happened when “all of the sudden” we tighten up, our back goes out or we start getting regular headaches. Of course, there can be many factors, but today, I want to talk about some major characteristics of healthy muscles. We’ll look at three components; strength, flexibility & function.
Vivid Vision for Encompass
In 2021, I read a book called The Vivid Vision. It’s a fascinating book and the main idea is that you map out what your vision is for your business, life, etc. And then share it with everyone. This creates more energy around your dreams, making them more likely to come true!
That’s not the only reason I'm sharing this post, however. If you know me, you know that dreaming fires me up. I love chatting about it- so I'm going to share my dreams for Encompass with you!
Working with Fibromyalgia
Over the years, I have worked with many many people who have suffered with chronic pain and disease, including autoimmune diseases and fibromyalgia. I haven’t talked about it much, but want to dive into fibromyalgia specifically today!
Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. (Mayo Clinic)
Life with Twins: 7 Months
After the twins were born, Matt took a whole month off of work. It was amazing. Matt works out of town and is gone for 9 days at a time, then home for 5 straight days. I couldn’t even imagine him being gone at all in that first month, so it worked out that he could take two trips off and be home with me. I think this made a HUGE difference for how our life as a family of 7 started out. Plus, the twins were happy and sleeping (yay!), so we did A LOT of beach days. Talk about dreamy. So we lounged in babies, had beach days, relaxed and enjoyed all the love from everyone until right after the 4th of July. It actually worked out perfectly too, because that week after the 4th, his company had some meetings up here, so he was working, just not on the road. It was the perfect transition week for me.
Deep Dive: Knee Pain
Massage can help knee pain? Short answer: YES! Blog complete. Haha, no I’m kidding. If you’re anything like me, you need to know how it can help!
The Wellness Studio!
So, you may have noticed that we have been talking about a place called “The Wellness Studio” lately. Don’t worry, we’re still in the same location, we’ve just expanded! Calling the location as a whole, The Wellness Studio, allows us to be inclusive and not leave anyone out when talking about it.
Let's Talk about Mindset
A couple weeks ago, I shared that we were going to talk about mindset throughout the week. And I started….but then I had a block. WEIRD right?! Not really, actually. But then, tonight, I decided this is the time to write this blog.