My Journey with Energy Work

In this post, I hope to clear up fear around what energy work is, and explain it from my point of view. I would also love to describe how it shows up in my practice, how I’ve used it and what it can do for you! Stick with me, I believe this is important :)

So, when I first started as a massage therapist, I adamantly stated that I was JUST doing muscle work, and not any energy work. At the time, I didn’t understand that everything is energy, and that we affect that deeply with massages. I believe that’s the reason you leave feeling so supported, rested and relaxed. Your spirit was able to be calmed, and your soul nourished. Your energy is tended for and it makes you feel great! A few years into my practice, I started feeling things that would come out of nowhere. Anxiety would come flooding in, or overwhelm, seemingly from nowhere. I didn’t realize that I was picking up on my client’s feelings and energy until another therapist told me that she had the same experiences, and that she realized it was releasing from the client. How cool! Once I learned that, I could ask God to take the emotion and release it, so that I wasn’t taking it on as mine, and also so that my clients could fully release as well.

I’ve learned a lot in the last few years, and it has completely transformed me, and my practice. I would love to share, and if you’re feeling uncomfortable, I just ask that you read this with an open mind and heart and maybe you’ll have a few things click, make sense or even learn something new!

Energy healing work runs deep through my ancestry. We’ve heard of many many people having gifts, and even in this generation, there are many gifts with many of my family members. I also believe that everyone has gifts to feel energy, but we get blocked off from it at an early age due to judgement, fear, conditioning, etc. The first place I always recommend people starting is with their gut. Everyone has intuition, God gave it to us for a purpose, to discern if something is safe, if you’re making the right decision, etc. When you start listening to your intuition and doing what works best for YOU, your life becomes a lot more clear and honestly a lot easier. I believe this is God talking through me, and leading me through this life. This also made me realize that God didn’t create us all to lead the same life as everyone else. If that were true, nothing unique would be happening in the world. We wouldn’t be lit up by different dreams, purposes and ideas. He made us different for a purpose! To embrace that, and His lead in our life, is to trust Him! If you’re scared to break out of a mold of how you were told to live, this is something that really helps me to remember- He created you with a purpose for you, and others may not understand it because it isn’t their purpose.

Beyond intuition, different people have different gifts. You may be able to feel things, just KNOW something suddenly, smell things that will bring a message, etc. It comes in all different forms. And I want you to know, that if you have been having intuitive hits all of your life, that’s amazing! You are not crazy, and I consider that to be an unbelievable gift! For example, I hear things. Before I opened the massage school, I literally heard God tell me to do so. It was a wild experience, but it was so clear, and I even looked at the ceiling where I was to respond to Him in my head. I’ve also had knowings, where I just know something. The hard part is trusting these messages. But once you do, your life can be led much differently, by always listening to your intuition and leaving doubt aside.

So, since I started feeling others emotions, I started diving into how it all works (as I do). On this journey, I listened to many stories, podcasts and read many books. One of my favorite books is The Emotion Code. In this book, Dr. Bradley Nelson explains how emotions can get stuck in our body and even teaches how to release them on yourself, or others. “Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures. The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field. With the Emotion Code, we believe it’s possible to permanently remove these negative energies.” Naturally, I started practicing releasing emotions. At the time, we had also just moved and my twins were a little over 1 years old. After the move, Gus was so miserable. He would cling to my legs and cry all day long. I would hold him and he would cry, it just never stopped. I even asked if he wanted to move to Misery Bay since he was so miserable. I couldn’t figure out what was causing it, and then finally one day, Matt asked me to try Emotion Code on him. It was amazing. I tuned into his energy, asked God to help set the intention to help Gus and release any emotions he had stuck, and started muscle testing for emotions. I can’t remember how many I cleared, 3 or 4? But the rest of that day, he was a completely different child. He played by himself, he was happy, and for me it felt like a miracle. I think I was meant to see how big of an effect stuck emotions can have on us. After that, I started trying it on more and more people. Eventually, I felt called to try releasing emotions during a massage.

Do you want to learn more about The Emotion Code and how that works in my practice? Keep an eye out for our next blog coming soon- Stuck Emotions & Pain. I can’t wait to dive into more of this with you :)




Hey Mama, (A Letter from one mama to another)


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