Self-Love Menu

Have you ever heard of a Self-Love Menu? I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago, but I love it! Basically, it's a menu of all of -or a few of- the things that you do to love yourself. I can't remember exactly where I saw it, but they recommended starting with a list of 10 things. In my head, I was like "Oh! That'll be easy!" Yeah, not so much. It was actually harder then I anticipated. 

So I have a few questions, what do you do for self-love? How do you take care of yourself? Do you make sure you have self-love or self-care in your life EVERY day so that you can be your best self? Don't worry, these questions made me think. Do I? I want to! I want to be the best, happiest mom for my kids. I want to have less stress! I want to have fun raising my kids and not feel like I am just trying to make it from day to day, moment to moment. 

Throughout the last few years, I have been taking steps to take care of myself and to grow myself as a person. Over the years I've learned that I totally believe that we all get to be anything that we want. That we can have hobbies AND be a mom. That we can work AND have kids. Or whatever it is you want to do, do it! Don't push it aside because you want to have a career, or raise kids, or "don't have time". Make it a priority. 

Those things that light your fire, those could be apart of your self-love menu. The more I take care of myself, and do the things I love to do, the better human being I am. And everyone around me is affected by that happier Nikki. 

So after much thought about what lights me up, what my hobbies are, what I want to get more time of and what makes me feel good, here is my self-love menu:

1. Reading- I LOVE to read. This is a big one that people put aside when life gets busy, but I like to make sure it's a priority, even if it's a few minutes per day. 

2. Any Hobby- learning piano, knitting, Shutterfly creations

3. Going for a walk

4. Massage- Of course! Makes me feel like a new person!

5. Acupuncture- Has anyone tried acupuncture?! Amazing! P.S. Can't even feel the needles

6. Chiropractic Care (A MUST)

7. Morning Coffee and Relaxing- I love slow cozy mornings with my girls. In the sunlight. In my recliner. SO good.

8. Listening to Podcasts- A great way to learn for free!

9. Sleep-I NEED sleep. We're talking 9 hours a night. That's me, and I've accepted and love it.

10. Meditation- I need to mention, this is new for me and life changing! Helps so much with anxiety, feel restless, and just taking a mental break. I'm in love. 

What's the point of a self-love menu? My thought is that you could have it somewhere visible. and if you're feeling overwhelmed or stretched too thin, do one of the items that day. Or maybe you want to incorporate a few into your daily life. I read and meditate almost every day now, and it makes my life so much better. 

So, I want to know, what's on YOUR self-love menu? Think about it, write it down and let me know! I would love to know! Or, if a few pop into your head now, leave a comment.  

Happy Brainstorming! 


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