One Year

Facebook reminded me this morning that I announced the opening of Encompass Therapeutic Massage one year ago!! A lot has happened since I opened up shop. I moved to the UP, opened up a location here, and also travel back to Minnesota to serve my amazing client's out there once a month.

But it doesn't feel stressful or hard. It's fun, and I love every minute of it. My heart is SO full. I am so thankful for each of you and humbled by how quickly my business has taken off here in the UP.  Each and every time I get a referral or a good review I just grin and do a happy dance inside.  It means SO much! Thank you to each and every one of you who has helped me get to this point.

Because I have been feeling so grateful, my business has been open for a year now AND it's the Christmas season, I want to do a giveaway. I don't want this to be about growing my social media or anything. I only want to thank you all. 

Giveaway: 1 hour Customized-For-You Massage

So here is what I'll do: Starting NOW, I will be taking entries for the Giveaway. How to enter: Comment on this post, or where my post is shared, something or someone that you are thankful for. That'll be my way of entering you. If you want to enter someone else into the drawing that you feel is deserving, tag them! This Giveaway will be short and sweet, and I will pick someone Saturday afternoon. Good luck! 

And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and my business. It means the world. 



Referral Discount


Pre-Natal Massage