Deep Dive: Neck Pain
This is an interesting deep dive. And I think it’s because, in general, clients complain of shoulder pain or headaches, but not usually of neck pain itself. With that being said, the neck is also the area that I work the most to relieve you of your shoulder pain or headaches! The referrals of the trigger points in the neck just refer up into the head or down to the shoulders. To be honest, the neck is one of my favorite areas to work- especially the anterior neck, because therapists can be scared of this area. But it’s so important to release, and often the missing link!
Deep Dive: TMJ Dysfunction
This week and last, we have been diving into TMJ Dysfunction and how massage can help. Yesterday, Nikki taught a self-massage technique that you can use at home to help yourself! You find that video on our YouTube channel, here. We have already had a few comments letting us know that the technique really helped and it benefiting those who try it. We recommend going check that out!
From A-B
So you’ve had pain for months, a year, maybe many years. That sucks, right? Well, maybe you saw my blog post a couple weeks ago about trying Trigger Point Therapy, when you’ve tried everything else. I’m here today to talk about taking this a bit further. I want you to understand that if you have been having pain that you consider chronic, that means it’s been there for a long time. This also means that because it’s been there for awhile does not mean that your pain will go away after one session with me. Although that would be amazing, it’s just not realistic.
Combined Therapies
I recommend a few different things after you receive a massage including drinking water, stretching, icing at times. But that list is missing one big one for me. Chiropractic care. Chiropractic Care is one of the best therapies to combine with Massage Therapy. Over the years I have seen many many clients progress their healing much more quickly when they get both chiropractic and massage.
The Nitty Gritty of Trigger Points
In my last blog post, I talked a little bit about Trigger Points, but never really explained exactly what they are. Today, let's dive into the nitty gritty of what Trigger Points are and how they effect you!