The Wellness Studio!
So, you may have noticed that we have been talking about a place called “The Wellness Studio” lately. Don’t worry, we’re still in the same location, we’ve just expanded! Calling the location as a whole, The Wellness Studio, allows us to be inclusive and not leave anyone out when talking about it.
Twins Birth Story!
I found out we were having twins on December 16th. To say I was shocked may be an understatement
Deep Dive: Arms & Hands
Arms and hands are interesting, because I don’t usually have clients with a ton of sore, deep pain, but more of the tingling, numbness and weakness. We use our hands for everything, and therefore our arms. The muscles that move our hands start in our elbow area. There are muscles in your hands as well, but they don’t do the major movements. Another common problem people complain of is carpal tunnel. So let’s dive into this and talk about what you can do for self-care, what other professionals could help, and how massage therapy can help you in your situation.
Massage & Sleep
As we know, sleep is essential for anyone’s well being. Without sleep, patience wears thin quickly, a fog settles in, and decision making and simple chores can feel impossible. I can personally attest to this, as this past winter, Ethan (my now 10mo old) was a terrible sleeper. I had never felt that kind of fatigue, and I think that is what caused Baby Blues, I could hardly think straight some mornings. No sleep is rough, but what happens when you can’t fall asleep? Or you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep? Or you toss and turn all night? That is also harmful, and will contribute to fatigue and overall not performing at your best.
Maintenance Care
Remember this teaser from the last blog? “What is Point C? Point C is when you can go a month without pain. When you tell me that you have never been this pain free. When you are able to do activities you haven’t been able to do in years. Point C is why I do what I do. And when you get there, I am almost as elated as you are. It’s an amazing place to be. So keep going.“
Word of the Year
Have you heard of having a word of the year to focus on? This year, I chose growth. I actually did a blog on that, so if you want more details on what this is, check out that post here. It’s super interesting, because at the beginning of the year, I thought I would try it and see what happened. I wanted growth in many areas of life. I wanted to grow my business first and foremost, but also my relationship with Matt, I wanted to have another baby (grow him), and to become a better version of myself.