How Massage Helps Diabetes

In the U.S., more than 29 million people live with diabetes.

How can massage help??

Increasing circulation, relaxation, positive myofascial effects, relieving scar tissue at injection sites and diminishing the effects of neuropathy are all positive benefits to the diabetic client that will assist this individual in living a normal, healthy life.

Massage Benefits for Diabetic Patients

  • Increased Circulation

    Increased circulation tends to encourage cellular intake of glucose and improve insulin utilization. This benefit is expected; however, a diabetic client should check glucose levels an hour or two after receiving a massage to witness how his glucose levels have been altered.

  • Relaxation is a great benefit to the diabetic client.

    The physical and mental stresses of having chronic disease may take a toll upon the entire body, yet calming the nervous system can bring ease to the client, allowing her body to better restore harmonic organ balance.

  • Increased Mobility

    Positive myofascial effects to the diabetic client will include increased mobility and enhanced tissue elasticity. Both of these effects will allow the client to avoid a sedentary lifestyle that often sets in upon depression associated with his condition.

  • Pain Relief

    Friction and scar removal techniques over chronic injection sites can relieve pain and dysfunction associated with these regions. Chronic buildup of scar tissue can thicken tissue to an extent that severely limits mobility. Relieving these regions will restore mobility even further.

  • Restored Nerve Functionality     

    Massage and reflexology at the areas featuring neuropathies may help restore nerve functionality and sensation. A lack of nerve functionality brings a host of other concerns for allopathic practitioners; therefore, improving sensation will help a client remain on a proper clinical course of treatment.




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