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Improving your Quality of Life through Therapeutic Massage & Wellness Products

Encompass Wellness Studio provides therapeutic massage, wellness services & holistic products and gifts to destroy your pain and guide you to a life of improved health and well-being. We value being able to live life without pain, and to live in the healthiest way possible. Getting to the root of pain and discomfort, then removing it is the end goal, so that our clients can live life to the fullest! We also believe in small batch, non-toxic, locally made products and proud to offer our selection of cremes, rollers, perfumes, lip balm, face serum and more, made right here in Calumet.

We are located in Calumet, Michigan. Our team of experienced and trained therapists are ready to meet your goals with you!

We are open Monday 9am-1pm, Tuesday 9am-6pm, Wednesday 3pm-7pm, Thursday 9am-7pm, Friday 9am-3pm & every other Saturday 9am-1pm.

Gift Certificates are available at the bottom of this page or in-store!

Book your massage with one of our many Massage Therapists here!


Are you in pain?

Are you living in pain? Maybe you suffer with headaches, numbness, low back pain or foot pain. These are all problems that massage therapy can help you with. Specifically, we primarily use a technique called Trigger Point Therapy. When you get pain, say a headache, many times it’s caused by a trigger point. Trigger Points are knots in your muscle that refer sensation. That sensation could be numbness, pain, a headache, tingling, etc. When we are working on you, we find that Trigger Point (we know when we find it because it mimics your referral), and release it. After the TrP (Trigger Point) releases, your muscle tissue can return to a healthy state. Our goal is to release all of the tension so that you get the results you are looking for to live a better, more fulfilling life, without pain.

Nikki, Aili & Kaarin are all trained in Trigger Point Therapy which is very effective for pain management!

Sometimes, it means making the connection between your mind and body to get to the root of your pain. Julie is your gal for that!


Wellness at Home

We are passionate about not only achieving wellness during your massage, but also at home and throughout your entire life. One way we have done this is by being mindful of healthy eating, moving our bodies, drinking water, taking vitamins and ditching toxins in our homes.

At Encompass, we also have a line of products to bring home relaxation, tension relief and skin care home with you after your session! We offer rollers for specific issues, a line of cremes, lip balm, Balance Face Serum, self-care products & more!

We believe in the simplicity of whole, natural ingredients, no toxic fragrances (only essential oils here!), and keeping ingredients few.



Monday: 9am-1pm

Tuesday: 9am-6pm

Wednesday: 3pm-7pm

Thursday: 9am-7pm

Friday: 9am-3pm

Every Other Saturday: 9am-1pm

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Gift Certificates Available!

Grab your gift certificate here. It makes the perfect gift!